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Économie et marché

2020 — volume 1, numéro 2

Gold, a Key Contributor to the Economy of Quebec and the Daily Lives of Quebecers

Quebec is an important player in the global markets for metals and non-metallic minerals. The province’s resources are the most diversified in Canada, with the production and beneficiation of 15 metals and 14 non-metallic minerals. According to the Fraser Institute, Quebec’s assets make it the fourth-best jurisdiction worldwide for investments.

Gold, one of the many commodities mined in Quebec, is a metal that has been prized by humanity for thousands of years. Although one might think it is mainly intended for jewellery or a safe-haven currency since gold tends to retain its value or even increase in times of market turbulence, its many properties, such as: malleability, resistance to corrosion and high electrical/thermal conductivity, make it a sought-after material in several industrial sectors.

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