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Entrevue Opération minière

2021 — volume 2, numéro 1

Interview with Louis-Philippe Péloquin – From Concentrate to Finished Product

In 2019, RMI Magazine highlighted the 40-year history of the Port-Cartier pellet plant in its issue on iron (Ressources Mines et Industrie, volume 4, numéro 5). The article covered the plant’s origins and explained the first stages in processing iron ore from the Fermont region. Last year, RMI Magazine looked at the next steps in iron ore transformation that are carried out in Quebec and Ontario using concentrate and pellets. To learn more about this transformation of iron ore mined in Quebec and the processes at ArcelorMittal’s facilities in Quebec and Ontario, RMI Magazine spoke with Louis-Philippe Péloquin, Director of Communications at ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada.

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