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Exploitation minière Exploration minière

2023 — volume 3, numéro 2

Mines and mining projects in Quebec

Nearly thirty metals and mineral substances are extracted in Quebec, making it Canada’s most diversified province. According to the Institut de la Statistique du Québec (ISQ), the value of metal and mineral shipments was more than $10.9 billion in 2019, a 15% increase over 2017. Metals and metallic minerals represented $9.3 billion, or roughly 85% of that total, while non-metallic mineral products represented just over $1.6 billion. As of February 2023, Quebec had 21 mines in operation and 5 under care and maintenance. The number of active mining operations could grow to 22 with the planned reopening of the North American Lithium mine, which aims to develop a spodumene (lithium) deposit in La Corne in the Abitibi-Témis­camingue region. In addition to the mines currently in operation, there are some 37 development projects on the territory, which could also increase the number of mines in the coming years.

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